A downloadable application for Windows


This application is based on the YT-DLP YouTube Downloader It is a GUI application that can interact with their tool. it is meant to provide a simple ease of access to the user, the application itself is based on My Online YouTube Downloader minus all applicable limits, such as file size.

The application is licensed with the GNU General Public License v3.0 however, YT-DLP is not covered by this license. YT-DLP is licensed under The Unlicense license. You must abide by their license, for the sake of copyright, we do not directly supply a copy of the YT-DLP tool directly in our program, and has to be downloaded.

Thank you for your understanding.

Getting Started

To download the application, please click Here to download the latest version.


Before we get started, We first need to ensure you have the required dependencies. The dependencies are:

  • YT-DLP
  • FFPROBE I will now describe how to install these dependencies.


YT-DLP is automatically downloaded, so all you need to do is run the exe file called yt-dlp-gui.exe and after the splash screen disappears, wait until yt-dlp.exe appears in the application directory. Once done, close the application.


The simpliest way to get FFMPEG for this application, is to simply download it from it's source. We recommend downloading This version from gyan.dev, as it is all you need.

  • Once downloaded, all you have to do is open the newly downloaded 7z archive (This step might require 7zip if you haven't got it already.)
  • Once opened, click on the folder labeled, "bin"
  • Extract the three files, ffprobe.exe, ffmpeg.exe, ffplay.exe and paste them into the application directory.

Once completed, setup is done. You are now ready to run the application again, and to use the GUI.

Option Fields

Now that you have the GUI fully set up, you are now ready to download videos. However, as you might notice, there are many fields and options, I will go ahead and briefly explain all of these fields, as they are really simple to understand.

  • Video URL - This is the YouTube video URL that you wish to download.
  • Convert - This is the format your video will be saved in.
  • FFMPEG Location - If the above steps were completed successfully, this field will automatically populate, however, If not, you can select the folder button next to it.
  • Custom Params (Advanced) - This is for Advanced users, it is to allow you to directly insert your own parameters into the script. This can be leaved empty.
  • Command Preview - This is your command as it will be executed.
  • Download Button - Click this once all fields are completely populated.

That is it!

Now you have just downloaded your first video, congratulations! If you have any issues, please feel free to visit the Issues tab.

Additional features and forks

We embrace further improvements, and will love for community contribution. If you are a fusion 2.5 developer, please, feel free to download the source code, and mess around! Maybe you'll find something we didn't! Thanks!


  • LexianDEV - GUI ("Application") Developer
  • yt-dlp - YouTube downloader Software
  • FFmpeg - Video/Image processing Software


Source Code